Sunday, March 25, 2018


Jonsona is currently working on album number 10!

"Don't let anyone tell you how to tell your story. I heard that in a dream."
"And I did, actually!
Those are some lyrics from this 10th full studio album, that indeed, was in a dream that I had.

Quite frankly, I didn't want to do any more full records!
It's a small miracle that 2017's 3 albums even exist.
I get into burn out mode. 
Have I said it all now?
Am I frustrated that I work so hard on this and don't make one single fucking dime from it while others make millions, doing the exact same thing?
Am I frustrated that there is an oversaturation of the market of independent artists and hardly anyone sees or hears my shit? - bless all of those other independent artists, by the way!  


Maybe I am just over the internet and society these days?


Not that it's even about the money though. 
Recognition is always a huge plus for an artist expressing themselves... always!
But going into this artistic & musical journey since the fall of 2014, has also been like a therapy. It has gotten me through some rough times and it has enriched my soul, like nothing else could, in this life! 
At the end of the day, that is the most important aspect! 

Every time I say, after this record... no more! I want to do something different now!
Less time consuming, less work.
But then, in the middle of the night, I awaken with a jolt out of a dead sleep with an album concept and it's all over.

And that was the birth of this 10th record - DEATHLIGHT

In the fall of last year, there was considerable death at my home, with some of our beloved animals. Devastating!
Plus, so many deaths in the last few years, of people I love or have loved or have known and watching everything and everyone I love, growing older and older, including myself... getting closer and closer to the end. Or at least, the end of this version of our existence "soul in body on Earth". 

And death itself, is such an enigma.

That inspired the concept for this record.

So, there's the basic concept of birth, life and death.
Then, I add a little shade, color, sass, quirk, sex, sing a story and then there it is - another album I didn't really want to make! :)

I usually try to pump out 3 albums a year but this year, this is probably it.
Maybe one more this fall/winter but after everything with Deathlight is complete and published, I want to chill with my family, and in the pool ;), this summer and I want to get back to painting again. 

Since this will probably be the only album in 2018, I can take my time with it and create a masterpiece, with the best content, best editing, best videos, best photo shoot, best everything!

I am pretty far along in years now, in this life.
And as I said before, I am pretty much over the ridiculousness of society, this deteriorating world with not much hope left, melodramatic social media and political overkill.
The most peace and joy I get anymore, is watching movies or documentaries with my cats, while curled up in my bed or hanging out with family and close friends. I just want to live my damn life, without all of the bullshit! Deep down, I think that's what most people still want.

But even if I stop making music, and art in this form, because I am burnt out on it or just over the internet... I will never stop creating. I am forever, an artist!
Even if I live to be 80 or 90, I'll be in my wheelchair, with my oxygen tank and pee bag, maybe painting but probably dancing and singing! And no one will ever tell me how to tell my story!
Either way, I will be creating all the way up to the time that I finally go into the deathlight!"

Jonsona's 10th studio album is scheduled to be released
May 2018.
Get it at


Dear Reaper is the beginning of the album's journey.
Flirting with the grim reaper and the realization the I will indeed die one day.

Next chapter is Life. Life in the present where so many things that seemed important in youth are not so important anymore.
Sex, drugs, material things, money, time, all fleeting.
What matters now is the learning, the breathing and the heart is still beating.

Deathlight (the title track) is where peace is desired. Make me feel like I'll feel going into the deathlight, which is suppose to be the most amazing experience of love and peace.
So, searching for a peace like that, while still alive.

Now we get to, the birth!
This track is about being angry about my birth (and I was an angry baby!)
but still thankful for life and grateful to my mom and all moms that go through the pain of childbirth to bring us here!

The Light, moves towards the sexual aspect of how life is created but also a quirky flirtation with death and the welcoming of it and just some good old fashioned kinky pleasure.
No Jonsona album is complete without some sexually explicit content! ;)

Now that we have sex, birth, life and flirting with death, we segue into what we live on.
A planet currently plagued with lies and evil while my character laments the frustration of people being blind to what is really going on in the world.
Didn't mean to interrupt your precious worldview with the truth, kind of thing.

We continue on with what is helping the world to be so fucked up and unpleasant these days.
Electronic devices (especially cellphones) and social media and how it is changing humanity for the worst but also being a hypocrite by partaking in the exact behavior the song is complaining about.

After the climax of "screwed up planet and species" then it's the sadness of it all and the personal journey through it all.
Every line of lyrics in Veil, isn't about one single thing or person... each line represents many different things and people and in the end, saying goodbye to my character's less wise self of the past while also making peace with the eventual loss of the physical world and all I love on it... including my physical body one day.

We conclude the journey with my character worn out by life and the world -rigor mortis has already set in before death- but I come out of it stronger and wiser with not needing people's approval to survive and not afraid of death anymore but still have more story to tell. Don't let anyone tell you how to tell your story. The lyrics that I actually heard in a dream!

This is the "bonus track" on the album.
It is the club version of the title track, that will be used for the promo video for this record.
It turned out so good that it was added as a track to this record.

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